Day 6 of the Data Engineering Zoomcamp Cohort 2025 course, and I am going back through the course work again. Is it my 3rd time or my fourth or my fifth? The days blend together ha. My strategy, as I’ve talked about before, is to first go through the videos with CC and high speed, then go back and actually work through the steps.
Now, for the 3rd time, I am going back through and writing up notes in my Gitbook. This time around I also have up in my browser additional resources. For 1.2.1 - Intro to Docker for example I am looking at the docker website plus other student notes plus google. Seeing the same thing such as “What is docker?” explained in 3 different ways, really helps my brain finally understand what is happening in this section.
I really feel like it clicked today, BUT I know that there will always be new things to learn and mistakes to be fixed…
Interested in joining the course?! I am writing this 1/18/25 and you can still join the Data Engineering Zoomcamp Cohort 2025 or if you’re late to reading this, the material should still live there.