Day 19 - Typos in Code
...the worst

Day 19 of the Data Engineering Zoomcamp Cohort 2025 course and back to being ahead of schedule, which feels good. These weeks go by so fast, I wish each module was 2 weeks versus 1! I will have my homework 2 updated Monday and then re-updated with solutions in my gitbook sometime next week.

Anyways - in part of my last post I talked about an issue I was having with a docker-compose.yml not working with dbt…and guess what the issue was? A typo! On my end, human error, I decided to type something out as I saw it instead of copy and paste! So the issue was a - versus _. Painful that it took two days, plus bugging Bruno again on Slack to figure this out! And as you can tell from my blogs, I usually type things wrong as it is haa. Hopefully lesson learned, and I copy and paste db and host names from now on!

I think my Gitbook notes are mostly up-to-date. I’m not sure if I will go back through the Kestra module and add more information. I hopefully will though, and rewrite those docker-compose.yml into something I would actually understand, versus using someone else’s code.

Interested in joining the course?! I am writing this 1/30/25 and you can still join the Data Engineering Zoomcamp Cohort 2025 or if you’re late to reading this, the material should still live there. You can also follow along weekly, by checking the leaderboard to find homework submissions and links to github repos and #learninginpublic - my username is ‘Cloudy Bluewave’.

Written by Kayla Tinker on 31 January 2025